Faculty & Staff

A message from Provost Jim Dalton

“It is imperative that the University community collaborate to establish an inclusive environment for students that aligns with our strategic plan. The Office of Disability Services plays a crucial role in supporting the UA student body and enhancing the learning environment.

As educators, it is essential that we prioritize ensuring that students with disabilities feel welcomed and have equal opportunities for success in their education. Let us approach this responsibility with passion and commitment, demonstrating our steadfast dedication to accessibility and equality in education. Together, let us serve as pillars of support and understanding for every student. Roll Tide.”

Sign Up for the ODS Faculty Newsletter

ODS’ faculty newsletter is issued each semester to provide important updates regarding accommodations, ODS procedures, and news about disability in higher education.

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Instructor Checklist

ODS has developed a checklist to help instructors keep track of responsibilities and tasks related to accommodations. The checklist includes hyperlinks to guidance and resources.

Instructor Checklist (PDF)

Instructors play a vital role in providing accommodations to students.

Each semester, students are responsible for sending an electronic accommodation letter to instructors and discussing how accommodations will be implemented in the course.  Instructors should be prepared to:

Step 1: Meet with students privately during office hours or by appointment to discuss how each accommodation will be provided in the course

Step 2: If indicated on the accommodation letter:

  • Arrange note takers on behalf of the student and/or allow use of technology for note-taking.
  • Develop a plan for providing testing accommodations. If you instruct students to schedule their tests at the ODS Testing Center, a plan should be in place for providing testing accommodations in the event that the ODS Testing Center is booked to capacity.
  • Use Panopto to record class meetings for students who have access to missed content.

Step 3: Document your meetings with students, or ask students to send you a follow-up email regarding the accommodations discussed.

  • If a student verbalizes that an accommodation is not needed in the course, instructors may want to send a follow-up email to the student confirming what was discussed during the meeting.
  • Contact ODS with any questions or concerns regarding accommodations.
  • Maintain the student’s confidentiality.  Only share information about a student’s use of accommodations on a need-to-know basis.