Student Rights and Responsibilities

As a student who has been approved to receive accommodations, there are certain rights and responsibilities of which you should be aware. This document outlines those rights and responsibilities. You will be asked to review this information each semester as you send accommodation letters through the ODS Online Portal.

Student Rights


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the University is responsible for maintaining confidentiality of your disability-related information. This means that The Office of Disability Services (ODS) cannot share your disability or diagnostic information with other students, faculty, parents, or family members without your consent. ODS is permitted to share information regarding your registration with the office with University officials on a need-to-know basis.

Legally, faculty do not have the right to know your diagnosis or the nature of your disability. You may choose to share this information, but are never obligated to do so. You determine who knows you are registered with ODS and this information will not appear on your transcript or diploma.

Address questions or concerns regarding confidentiality with ODS as soon as possible. Provide written consent for ODS to communicate with others on your behalf by completing a release of information through the ODS Online Portal.

Accommodation Plan

Accommodations are not retroactive – communicate with ODS as soon as possible should you experience changes in your accommodation needs. You may request additional accommodations by completing the Request for Additional Academic Accommodations in the ODS Online Portal. Additional documentation may be required.

Accommodations for majors or programs with clinicals, supervised field experiences, internships, or externships apply differently. Contact ODS in advance to discuss accommodations for these settings. For example, extended time may be reasonable to provide during a classroom exam, but may not be reasonable to provide in a patient care setting or during a deadline-driven internship assignment.

If you plan to take standardized tests, board, licensing, or comprehensive exams that require accommodation verification from ODS, please review and follow the procedures for requesting assistance on standardized exams.

Conflict Resolution Procedures

Contact your Accommodations Specialist with questions or concerns regarding the provision of accommodations; an academic decision, grade, or application of course policy; or possible discrimination on the basis of disability. Additional information is available online.

Student grievances, complaints, or concerns should be promptly addressed with the appropriate party. It is not advisable to wait until the end of the semester to voice a concern. Students who contact ODS with concerns unrelated to the provision of accommodations or possible disability discrimination will be referred to the appropriate department or procedure.

Student Responsibilities

Send Accommodation Letters

It is your responsibility to send accommodation letters to instructors at the beginning of the term for any class in which you wish to use accommodations. Follow this process every semester, even if you are working with professors who taught you previously. The deadline to request accommodations for any semester is two weeks prior to the first day of final exams. Accommodation letters are term-specific, so a notice you send for Fall 2024, for example, will not be valid for Spring 2025.

Communicate with Instructors

After sending accommodation letters, you are responsible for communicating individually with each instructor to discuss how your accommodations will be provided in their course. Meet with each instructor during office hours or by virtual appointment, or communicate via phone or email if you are taking an online class.

Communicate with ODS

You are responsible for making arrangements to receive accommodations in a timely manner, which may involve scheduling exams to be proctored by ODS, requesting materials in alternative formats, etc.

If you have questions or concerns about your accommodations after you’ve communicated with instructors, contact your Accommodations Specialist promptly to discuss.

Success vs. Access

In college, all students have an ongoing responsibility to demonstrate they are otherwise qualified to participate in the educational activity or program by meeting relevant essential requirements or technical standards. Remember, the purpose of accommodations at the college level is to provide access to an education, which is different from the nature of accommodations provided in the K – 12 environment to ensure the success of every student.

This means you have as much of a right to succeed or fail as any other student at UA. The key to succeeding is ensuring you use the resources available to you and ask for help when needed. Students are responsible for identifying when they need assistance, and then proactively seeking out that assistance.

A list of campus resources is available. Students needing assistance identifying off-campus resources may contact ODS.