Aerial photo of the UA engineering complex

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We envision a fully accessible, integrated, and universally designed campus community.  We recognize the social model which views disability as an identity and a valued aspect of diversity. We recognize that a diverse community broadens our understanding and appreciation of the contributions of each individual.


In collaboration with the University community, the Office of Disability Services (ODS) is committed to ensuring educational access that enhances the lives of students with disabilities. Our work enriches the campus environment by supporting the institution in its collective responsibility to provide an accessible education.


  • Disability Experts:  Provide institution-wide leadership and guidance on academic accommodations, ADA and Section 504 compliance, and Universal Design for Learning. ODS staff engage in ongoing professional development to remain knowledgeable content experts and ensure adherence to the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) professional standards.
  • Campus Partners: Cultivate partnerships with faculty and staff to provide consultation and training, ensure compliance, and promote inclusive education. ODS staff develop collaborative relationships with members of our campus community and serve as a resource regarding barrier removal and the provision of academic accommodations.
  • Student Support: Support and advise students in the accommodation planning and implementation process, collaborate with students to determine reasonable academic accommodations, and provide case management. ODS staff empower students to understand disability civil rights and how to navigate conversations about access. ODS staff promote inclusive environments and sense of belonging to enhance the experiences of disabled students.

Executive and Assistant Directors present at the UCONN Postsecondary Disability Training Institute

During the June 2024 Postsecondary Disability Training Institute, Vanessa Goepel and Brittany Gregg presented to postsecondary disability services colleagues on strategies for making consistent accommodation decisions.