Students who experience limitations or barriers related to tests or the testing environment may be eligible for testing accommodations. Common examples include extended time on tests, taking tests in a reduced distraction environment, and use of technology for assistance with reading or writing during tests. Students who need to request testing accommodations should communicate with their Accommodations Specialist.
The ODS Testing Center serves as a convenience location to assist instructors with providing exam accommodations to students and offers the following:
- 49 private testing rooms
- Online exam scheduling through the ODS Online Portal (an instructional video is available)
- Storage of belongings while testing
- Testing stations with computers
- Screen reading software
- Text-to-speech software
A Note to Students:
Please keep in mind that the ODS Testing Center is available as a convenience location for accommodated testing. It is not required that students take their tests at ODS. In fact, some departments may require students to test within the department and will have a plan for providing accommodations. ODS is unable to proctor every student who receives testing accommodations and scheduling occurs on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should promptly communicate with instructors to determine how exam accommodations will be provided, and should proactively schedule exams with ODS if necessary.