Early College Accommodations

ODS strives to implement accommodations for distance learners in a manner consistent with that of resident students. Requests for Early College accommodations require the same level of disclosure and follow the same procedures as UA students enrolled in undergraduate programs.

You can find helpful information in the sidebar. Please visit UA Early College for more information on course offerings.

When Should I register with ODS?

Once you have enrolled in Early College, you may begin the process to register with ODS. Students do need to have a current course schedule in order to complete an Intake appointment. Students generally contact ODS once they have registered for UAEC 200.

Current Early College students may register with ODS at any point. However, accommodations cannot be retroactively applied to coursework that has already taken place.

Early College students who are accepted to UA as an undergraduate student should contact their Accommodations Specialist to determine whether additional documentation or steps are required to receive accommodations.

Can I submit my IEP or 504 plan as documentation for Early College accommodations?

Once you have enrolled in Early College, you may begin the process to register with ODS. Students do need to have a current course schedule in order to complete an Intake appointment. Students generally contact ODS once they have registered for UAEC 200.

Current Early College students may register with ODS at any point. However, accommodations cannot be retroactively applied to coursework that has already taken place.

Early College students who are accepted to UA as an undergraduate student should contact their Accommodations Specialist to determine whether additional documentation or steps are required to receive accommodations.

Will I receive the same accommodations I receive in high school?

It depends. Early College courses function like an undergraduate course and students are earning college credit. Accommodations or services offered in high school may not be available or appropriate to the college setting. An Accommodations Specialist can discuss these differences in detail during your Intake meeting.

Can ODS communicate with my parents?

ODS operates under strict confidentiality guidelines and we do not release information about you without your consent.

ODS cannot communicate with parents, guardians, and family members without your consent. You may complete a Release of Information consent in the ODS Online Portal if you want to give us permission to speak with someone on your behalf.

Information related to disability and accommodations is confidential and held separately from your educational record. This means no one will know that you are registered with ODS unless you choose to tell them. This is also why it is your responsibility to send an accommodation letter to your instructor(s) each semester.

Accommodation letters are sent by the student and include information about the student’s accommodations. No information is disclosed regarding students’ diagnoses. Instructors do not have a legal right to know your disability or diagnosis and you are not required to share this information with instructors.