Faculty Guidance: Missed Content

Access to missed content may be indicated on an accommodation letter as a safeguard for missed course material. Faculty must provide students who have this accommodation with content missed due to disability or a *remote captioning error.

Examples of how to provide content are as follows:

  • Use lecture capture software (such as Panopto) to audio record each class session (video is optional)
  • Temporary access to an online section of the course or pre-recorded lecture content
  • Thorough instructor notes covering the missed content

Content must be provided to the student within two business days, upon request. It is not necessary to provide lecture content to the student unless a specific date has been requested. 

*Remote captioning is an accommodation provided by ODS and is arranged between ODS and the receiving student.

The application of this accommodation is class specific and may require additional discussion with ODS.  If faculty have limited technology in the classroom (i.e., camera, microphone), or if providing this accommodation will substantially alter course content, please contact ODS immediately at [Email: ods@ua.edu] to determine the feasibility of this accommodation for the course.

Frequently Asked Questions

I received an accommodation letter that states a student in my course requires access to lecture content. What should I do?

Examples of how to provide content are as follows:

Use lecture capture software (such as Panopto) to audio record each class session (video is optional)
Temporary access to an online section of the course or pre-recorded lecture content
Thorough instructor notes covering the missed content
Content must be provided to the student within two business days, upon request. It is not necessary to provide lecture content to the student unless a specific date has been requested. 

I don’t know how to use lecture capture software (Panopto). Is there someone who can help me?

Yes. UA holds an institutional license for Panopto and campus classrooms are equipped with cameras and microphones. The Center for Instructional Technology can provide guidance on using Panopto in your classroom.

I have recordings from previous semesters. Can I use those recordings instead of recording my current lectures?

Perhaps. In the case that the lecture content is the same from semester to semester, previous semester lecture recordings can be used.

I move around the room while I teach. I am worried that my teaching style will be negatively impacted if I am restricted to a podium or lectern for lecture capture. What are my options?

If your classroom camera is a webcam and cannot be moved, you may provide content by providing temporary access to an online section of the course or pre-recorded lecture content or thorough instructor notes covering the missed content. Please contact ODS if you have other preferred methods for providing lecture content.

I do not believe Panopto is the best way to provide access in my course due to small group discussion, interactive components, etc. What are my options?

Depending on the nature of your course and the teaching modality, it may be necessary to utilize an alternate but equivalent accommodation. You may provide content by providing temporary access to an online section of the course or pre-recorded lecture content or thorough instructor notes covering the missed content. Contact ODS to discuss options and alternative solutions.

Does access to lecture content replace the need for a notetaker?

No. If a student provides an accommodation letter that includes a peer notetaker, you must recruit a notetaker for the course.

My course includes labs. Does the access to lecture content accommodation still apply?

No. The lecture content accommodation is lecture specific and does not include handouts or tutorials. If copies of handouts or the ability to make up missed work is needed, there will be separate accommodations included on the letter, such as attendance modification that initiates a plan between the student and faculty to arrange for missed materials and work.

My classroom is not equipped with a camera and/or a microphone. What should I do?

If the classroom has no camera and/or microphone, please contact ODS so that we can assist in addressing those technology needs. Potentially, ODS would provide the necessary technology and arrange to have it installed, or ODS staff would work with you to develop an alternative plan for accommodation.

I have concerns about being recorded. Must I use Panopto despite my concerns?

You may provide content by providing temporary access to an online section of the course or pre-recorded lecture content or thorough instructor notes covering the missed content. Please contact ODS if you have other preferred methods for providing lecture content.

Note that for students with any recording accommodation, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act stipulates that instructors and institutions “may not impose upon handicapped students other rules, such as the prohibition of tape recorders in classrooms…that have the effect of limiting the participation of handicapped students in the recipient’s education program or activity.”

Use of lecture capture software provides faculty considerably more control over their lectures due to functions that permit faculty to provide recordings to specific students and to delete the recordings once they are no longer needed. This method is more secure than students with or without accommodations recording lectures on their phones and laptops.