Students who test at the ODS Testing Center must adhere to the following procedures. Please carefully review the detailed information below:
- The ODS Testing Center is only available to proctor tests for face-to-face courses. ODS does not proctor exams for courses with virtual proctoring requirements or take-home tests that require no proctor.
- Communicate with your instructor before requesting test space. Not all classes take tests at the ODS Testing Center.
- Tests must be scheduled at least 3 business days prior to the test date (weekend days and University holidays are not counted in the 3 business days). No late requests will be scheduled. Schedule all tests, including Finals, at the beginning of each semester through the ODS Online Portal. Staff assistance for scheduling tests is available upon request.
- Testing space at the ODS Testing Center is limited and available first-come, first-served. If ODS testing space is full, notify your instructor immediately to request alternate arrangements. Failure to do so will result in loss of accommodation on the test. Instructors may refuse testing accommodations if you fail to provide sufficient notice (Tests: 3 business days, Finals: Monday prior to Dead Week/Study Week).
- Tests must be taken at the same time as the class unless there is a time conflict with another course or ODS hours of operation. If flexibility is required, ODS will schedule you as close as possible to the test time. Note: Scheduling flexibility is not offered due to preference, student employment, extracurricular activities, etc.
- When you arrive for your test, check in at I Am Here Check-in. Enter your first and last name, and select that you are here for Exam Check-In. Enter your Crimson email and phone number. Please wait outside until staff invite you into the testing center. DO NOT SIT ON THE FLOOR OR BLOCK ELEVATOR ACCESS.
- Late arrival for tests will result in an automatic time reduction corresponding to the number of minutes you are late. If you are late for a test, you may not be allowed to start the exam at ODS.
- Personal devices are not permitted in Testing Center rooms, including laptops, cell phones and smartwatches. If you require access to materials on a device, save materials to a cloud-based storage file (i.e. OneDrive, UA Box) and access from the ODS desktop computer.
- Have permitted materials readily available upon entering the testing center and provide them to testing staff upon check-in. Personal belongings must be placed outside your testing room. Accessing personal belongings during your test may be considered academic misconduct. Phones and smartwatches are placed in lobby storage units and cannot be used while testing. Turn devices off or set to “do not disturb.”
- Snacks and beverages are permitted at staff discretion.
- No tobacco products (vapes, smokeless tobacco, etc.) of any kind are allowed in the testing rooms.
- Permission to leave the testing room during a test may be granted at the discretion of testing staff.
- Testing rooms and computer activity are monitored in real-time by staff. All suspicious activity will be reported to instructors and is subject to academic misconduct investigation.
- To cancel or modify a test request, use the ODS Online Portal or contact the ODS Testing Center at Written instructor approval and directions must accompany requests to reschedule an exam. If your instructor communicates approval to you in writing, forward this communication to
Procedures for Make-up Tests
- If your test cannot be taken when originally approved due to illness, injury, emergency, or flexible attendance accommodation, you must provide written instructor permission to for rescheduling.
- Make-up exams at ODS will be scheduled the during the planned departmental make-up dates, during Dead Week, or the Friday following the missed exam.
- No make-up tests will be proctored during Finals week.
Final Exams
- Request final exam space at the beginning of each semester. The testing center will reach capacity as early as six (6) weeks before finals.
- To schedule a final through the ODS Online Portal, select “Final” from the drop-down selection. Contact the ODS Testing Center if “Final” is not an available selection.
- ODS fills requests in the order in which they are received, and space is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. If ODS testing space is full, notify your instructor immediately to request alternate arrangements. Failure to do so will result in loss of accommodation on the final. Instructors may refuse testing accommodations if you fail to provide sufficient notice. Deadline: Monday before Dead Week/Study Week at 4:45pm.
- Students must take finals according to the UA Academic Calendar. Request testing space during the published date and time of the course final. Once space capacity is reached for a specific date, requests will be denied. Whenever possible, the requested class time will be honored; however, to proctor the maximum number of accommodated students, the requested time may change. The new time will be reflected in the ODS Online Portal and you will receive email notification of any change.
- No final exams are proctored by the testing center during the University’s Dead Week/Study Week.
- No make-up tests are proctored during Finals week. If you miss a final, you must make up the test according to the Registrar’s Deferred Final schedule.
If at any point during the exam you believe you are not receiving your approved accommodations, notify ODS testing staff immediately.
Testing Center Hours
Business Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Test Proctoring Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.